[nws-changes] 201309112: SPC fire wx outlook -Fwd: ADMIN NOTICE NOUS41 KWBC

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-------- Original Message --------

NOUS41 KWBC 121329

Service Change Notice 13-60
National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC
930 AM EDT Thu Sep 19 2013

To:        Subscribers:
           -Family of Services
           -NOAA Weather Wire Service
           -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
           Other NWS Partners and Employees

From:      Eli Jacks
           Chief, Fire and Public Weather Services Branch

Subject:   Change in NWS Storm Prediction Center (SPC) "SEE TEXT"
           Information in Day 1 and Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook
           Products for CONUS only, Effective November 26, 2013

Effective Tuesday, November 26, 2013, at 1500 Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC), the SPC will replace the currently
displayed "SEE TEXT" reference in its Day 1 and Day 2 Fire
weather Outlook products with graphical depictions of areas of
Elevated Risk and areas of Isolated Dry Thunderstorms. In
addition, currently defined Dry Thunderstorm areas will be
relabeled as Scattered Dry Thunderstorms. No changes will be made
to the current Critical and Extreme Fire Weather areas.

Table 1 - Affected NCEP SPC Products

Product                                 WMO Header       AWIPS ID
-------                                 ----------       --------

Day 1 Fire Weather Outlook              FNUS31 KWNS      PFWFD1
 Areal Outline Points

Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook              FNUS32 KWNS      PFWFD2
 Areal Outline Points

Day 1 Redbook Graphics                  PMWE98 KWNS      RBGFW1

Day 2 Redbook Graphics                  PMWI98 KWNS      RBGFW2

Critical Fire Weather Grids             LDIY10 KWNS      N/A
 Day 1                                  LDIY11 KWNS      N/A

Critical Fire Weather Grids             LDIY20 KWNS      N/A
 Day 2                                  LDIY21 KWNS      N/A

No changes will be made to the Fire Weather Outlook text products

In the Fire Weather Outlook Areal Outline Points products, SPC
will label the new Elevated Risk areas ELEV, while the Critical
Risk areas will continue to be labeled CRIT and the Extreme Risk
areas labeled EXTM. The new Isolated Dry Thunderstorm areas will
be labeled IDRT and Scattered Dry Thunderstorm areas will be
labeled SDRT.

The Critical Fire Weather Grids will use a label value of 5 for
the new Elevated Risk areas and continue to use label values of
8 for Critical areas and 10 for Extreme areas. The Dry
Thunderstorm Grids will use a label value of 5 for the new
Isolated Dry Thunderstorms and continue to use a label value of
8 for Scattered Dry Thunderstorms.

Examples of the new SPC Day 1 and Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook
Areal Outline Points products and graphics are online at:


NCEP SPC will begin issuing "preview" web graphics beginning
September 24, 2013, in advance of them becoming operational:




For more information, please contact:

   John Ferree
   NWS Severe Storms Services
   Norman, OK  73072

National Service Change Notices are online at:



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