[python-users] LDM-Alchemy, goes-restitch and acting upon finalized data


I'm looking to use goes-restitch.py to handle incoming GOES-16 data.
It's great at putting all of the tiles together into one file, but
once I have that file I'd like to work with it as soon as it's ready.

For example, once all of the tiles are in for a data set and a .nc4
file is finalized I'd like to visualize it, perhaps by calling an
outside script and passing it some arguments like scene, band,
data/time and such.  Is there a way to do this?  If not, I feel like
an --execute argument would be nice for this, so maybe this could be a
feature request.

Thank you,


Mike Zuranski
Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage - Nexlab

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