How are you instantiating miniconda? If you are just manually setting a $PATH
variable, then your shell is missing out on other variables that miniconda may
be wishing to set at activation time. In this case PROJ_LIB. see:
Additionally, a best practice is to install packages into a dedicated
environment and not the base environment.
Now for LDM, having each shell invocation run a conda environment activation
can create horrible latency for some workflows. In such case, just add the
needed PROJ_LIB setting when you set your PATH. For your example I am setting
export PROJ_LIB=/home/ldm/miniconda3/share/proj
From: python-users <python-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Weber,
Jim <Jim.Weber@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 2:15 PM
To: python-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [python-users] miniconda error message
I upgraded to metpy 1.3.0 last month and notice a little after I was getting a
warning message. It does not seem to affect the end result of anything that I
run, but it throws it out for anything that I run. Any idea of how I can
resolve the issue for this error:
UserWarning: pyproj unable to set database path.
Thanks for any help!
Jim Weber
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