People :
I'm trying to plot HRRR data from a nomads grib2 file, but
metpy.parse_cf doesn't set metpy_crs . There seems to be enough
attributes (eg : GRIB_gridType, etc). Attached is some python code
that fetches a grib2 file from nomads (and writes it into the local
directory) , then reads (w/ xarray w/ cfgrib) then metpy.parse_cf,
then prints metpy_crs. It's works OK w/ GFS ( Projection:
latitude_longitude ), but the HRRR files gives an error : KeyError:
Do I have to call assign_crs / assign_latitude_longitude or should
parse_cf do this ?
nomadsmodels = {
'gfs_1p00' : {
'dir' : 'gfs.{t0:%Y%m%d/%H}/atmos',
'file' : 'gfs.t{t0:%H}z.pgrb2.1p00.f{ff1:03d}',
'var0' : 'var_PRMSL=on',
'var1' : 'prmsl',
'hrrr_2d' : { # conus wrfsfc
'dir' : 'hrrr.{t0:%Y%m%d}/conus',
'file' : 'hrrr.t{t0:%H}z.wrfsfcf{ff1:02d}.grib2',
'var0' : 'var_MSLMA=on',
'var1' : 'mslma',
'hrrrak_2d' : { # alaska wrfsfc
'dir' : 'hrrr.{t0:%Y%m%d}/alaska',
'file' : 'hrrr.t{t0:%H}z.wrfsfcf{ff1:02d}.ak.grib2',
'var0' : 'var_MSLMA=on',
'var1' : 'mslma',
import datetime
import os
import xarray
import metpy
def nomads(filt0):
model0 = nomadsmodels[filt0]
u0 = f'{filt0}.pl'
u0 += '?dir=/' + model0['dir']
u0 += '&file=' + model0['file']
u0 += '&' + model0['var0']
t1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
t1 = t1.replace(hour = 0) # hack to make GFS work
t1 -= datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
u1 = u0.format(t0 = t1, ff1 = 0)
fn0 = filt0 + '-parse_cf.grib2'
c0 = f"wget -O {fn0} '{u1}'" # get grib file and write to fn0
print(f'======= c0 : {c0}')
xds0 = xarray.open_dataset(fn0 , engine='cfgrib')
xda0 = xds0.metpy.parse_cf(model0['var1'])
print(' # GRIB_gridType : ', xda0.GRIB_gridType)
print(' # metpy_crs : ', xda0['metpy_crs'].item()) # HRRR : KeyError: