Dear Suominet participants,
I have reprocessed the daily PWV products with a smoothing across day
boundaries and some improved station information in some places for the
SUOd_2007.DDD.00.00.PWV files. from day 100 -day 365.
Smoothing started in production mode on day 2007.268 last year and the
Suominet sites (SA##,SG##,SC## sites) should show little change after
this date.
Tomorrow I will run a batch script to generate the
the CsuPWVd_2007.DDD.00.00.1440_nc files for these days and insert them
into our ldm server queue as well as putting the updated files for both
the ascii and netcdf formats on our web server.
In a few weeks I expect to replace 2008 data from Jan 1 to date with
date reprocessed using the IGS absolute phase center models. We have
been using Relative phase center models in the production data but are
switching to absolute models to be completely consistent with the IGS
orbit products.
Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
If you anticipate this causing a problem you can contact me and I can
delay this data replacement by a few days.
Best Regards,
Teresa Van Hove
Associate Scientist COSMIC/UCAR
ph 303-497-8023 fax 303-497-2610