UCAR had an internet outage for just under an hour this afternoon which
interrupted normal processing and transfer of PWV estimates for
Suominet. The outage was reported as being due to a router outage in
I think that UNAVCO may have been sidelined by the same router failure
in Denver, as we had almost total PBO site outage for the 21-22 and
22-23 hour sessions. We had around 60% of the other sites and CsuPWVh
files were created and sent about 40 and 50 minutes later than normal.
This latency exceeded the window for the map generation so all sites
showed as missing for 2-3 hours on the web page, but the data were
processed and the PWV was sent out via LDM.
Things are now running normally again.
Teresa Van Hove
Associate Scientist COSMIC/UCAR
ph 303-497-8023 fax 303-497-2610