20011128: McIDAS AREA files

>From: Scott Gennari <gennari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: University of Hawaii
>Keywords: 200111282303.fASN3qN04455 realtime McIDAS satellite imagery AREA ADDE


>We are looking for an alternative source of
>McIDAS area files for GOES data. We generate the
>source HDF data that NASA/MSFC then coverts to
>McIDAS area files and makes available on their ftp
>site.  This has been our source for McIDAS GOES (8 and 10)
>area files for some time.

Right, we have talked about this from time-to-time.

>Unfortunately, it is possible that we may terminate our GOES-10
>reception here in Hawaii and thus terminate the source
>of our GOES-10 McIDAS data.

Too bad, there is nothing like having your own ground station!

>It is my understanding that GOES AREA files are also made
>available via UNIDATA servers and possiblly other universities
>(ADDE remote server). Is this correct?

Yes, this is correct.  I am identifying new sites that are willing
to share their data holdings with others in the community all the

>If so;
>Are the 1km (full resolution) visible data available for GOES GVAR in
>McIDAS area format from these servers?

Not yet, but they will be in a reasonably short period of time.

>What is the time delay between reception and when the AREA files are

This has not yet been determined.  Our hope is that it will be short.

>Is there any paperwork/permission issues we would need in order to
>access these remote servers.

No, not from the ones that we (Unidata) operate/will be operating.

You may also want to pursue getting permission to access the data
holdings of NOAA/SATEPS (Satellite Environmental Processing System).
This group grants access privilege on a case-by-case basis to sites
that have affiliations with NOAA.  They have quite a bit of realtime
data for GOES (East/West), METEOSAT (7/5), GMS, and a variety of polar

In order to get permission to access the SATEPS ADDE servers, we
had to fill out the following request form and email it to

Request for Satellite Environmental Processing System (SATEPS) Data

Request Date: __________  Requested Access Date:  ____________
I.  Requestor Information
  A.  Name:  ___________________________Telephone No.:___________
  B.  Agency/Firm: ______________________________________________
  C.  Address:  _________________________________________________
  D.  Routing Code:_____  E-Mail Address:________________________
II.  Workstation Identification
  A.  Your workstation vendor and IP address (server preferred):
      vendor=________________      IP=_________________________
  B.  Is your IP address a server for other workstations /
      users?  Choose one:   Yes     No     I don't know
  C.  Is your need for the data indefinite?   YES
                      or  temporary until   (date)______________
III. Systems administrator (for II. A)
   A.  Name:  ___________________________Tel. No.: ______________
   B.  Agency/Firm:______________________________________________
   C.  Address:__________________________________________________
   D.  Routing Code:_____  E-Mail Address:_______________________
IV.  Data Requirements
  A.  Satellite Source:
      GOES-8(east) ___   GOES-10(west) ___   TOMS-EP ___
      METEOSAT-7___  GMS-5___(MET and GMS access limited by MOU)
  B.  Area of Coverage:   North Hemi   CONUS   Pacific   Atlantic
  C.  Data Type?:                  | Products?:
      Raw____  Remapped____        | ASOS___  DPI___
      At what resolution?____      | IFFA___  Soundings ____
                              | Ozone___ Snow___
                              | Winds___ Other___
      McIDAS ADDE protocol only    | McIDAS ADDE  and/or   FTP
  D.  Transfer Frequency:
      Half-Hourly ____  Hourly ___   Daily  ____  Weekly ____
      As needed (please specify):  __________________________
V.  General Information
  A.  NOAA program(s) or contracts supported with requested
      data: _________________________________________________
  B.  Organization Mission (forecasting, aviation, hazard
      response, severe weather warning, research, etc.):
 Susan Ladenheim (voice: 301-763-8142, x103) (FAX: 301-899-9196)
 E/SP22, Room 510, WWBG, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746-4304
 EMAIL: Susan.Ladenheim@xxxxxxxx                              September 2, 1999

I would CC the email to Brial Callicott:

"Brian Callicott" <Brian.Callicott@xxxxxxxx>

and include a description of who you are, what your objectives are,
and how you came teo be sending the request.  I cannot guarantee that
your request will be approved, but it seems likely that your work
meets the criteria nexessary to get access to the data.

I hope that this helped!

>Thanks for your time.

No worries.

>Scott Gennari
>University of Hawaii

Tom Yoksas

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