Woops realized that I simply responded to John.
Peter Cornillon
Graduate School of Oceanography - Telephone: (401) 874-6283
University of Rhode Island - FAX: (401) 874-6728
Narragansett RI 02882 USA - Internet: pcornillon@xxxxxxxxxxx
--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,
An interesting discussion. I wrestled a bit with this around the time
of the DODS developers meeting last January. I have attached a table
that I put together to help me keep track of the issues. I think that
you have progressed way beyond this, but thought that you might find
it interesting anyway.
John Caron wrote:
> heres another strawman, incorporating our latest discussions:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS/xml/InvCatalog.0.6d.dtd
> Recent changes:
> 1) Collections as datasets. Ethan and I think the cleanest way to allow
> "collections as datasets" is to allow nested datasets. Collections remain
> just groups of datasets. A Collection as a dataset is done as a dataset with
> nested datasets. Nested dataset elements (Joe's meaning #2) should imply (in
> some way we need to clarify better) nested datasets (Joe's meaning #1 and
> #3).
> 2) allow compound services again. I have talked myself into that these will
> be often useful.
> 3) services are now contained within any collection, rather than having to
> be all in the top catalog element. They are scoped by the collection they
> are in (so we no longer use ID, since those are global). This makes a
> catalogRef have (almost) the same semantics as a collection.
> 4) a catalog now only has exactly one collection element. (i considered
> eliminating catalog but i think its better this way).
> 5) "attribute" changed to "property" (tired of saying "the attribute
> attribute")
> 6) access element can specify an absolute URL with a serverType -or- a
> reletive URL with a serverID.
> Unless I get a barrage of objections, I will document this in more detail
> ASAP. I will be gone for a week starting next Tuesdy, so Ethan will continue
> the conversation as needed. Hopefully, we can converge soon and take a
> break! I think I have incorporated all the good ideas i have heard in this
> discussion. Have I left out something, or do you think any feature is not
> worth the complexity?
Peter Cornillon
Graduate School of Oceanography - Telephone: (401) 874-6283
University of Rhode Island - FAX: (401) 874-6728
Narragansett RI 02882 USA - Internet: pcornillon@xxxxxxxxxxx
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<title>Oceanology International </title>
<BODY bgcolor="#eeeeee" vlink=blue>
<table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr>
<td bgcolor="white"><a HREF="levels.html"><img
<td bgcolor="white"><a HREF="definitions.html"><img
<td bgcolor="white"><a HREF="definitions.html"><img
<td align="center" bgcolor="#99ccff" width="100%"><font size=7><b>OPeNDAP Data
Objects, Collections and
<basefont size=6>
<li> <font color="red">OPeNDAP Data Objects</font> are the data retrieved by
(constrained or unconstrained).<br><br>
<ul><font color="magenta">
<li>a portion of a satellite image
<li>a mooring record
<li> <font color="red">OPeNDAP Datasets</font> <font color=green>(or OPeNDAP
are OPeNDAP Data Objects accessed by an unconstrained URL.<br><br>
<ul><font color="magenta">
<li>a satellite image
<li>a mooring record
<li>a NetCDF file that contains all satellite images in a given
projection from a specific sensor
<li> <font color="red">OPeNDAP Data Collections</font> are collections of
Datasets that are accessible either <br>
<ul type=i>
<li> as a new OPeNDAP Dataset via an OPeNDAP Aggregation Server, or<br>
<li> as a list of OPeNDAP Datasets via a File Server.<br><br>
<ul><font color="magenta">
<li> all satellite images in a given projection from a specific
<li> a collection of mooring records
<font color=green>Note that the list of OPeNDAP Datasets accessed via
an unconstrained
request to an OPeNDAP File Server is also an OPeNDAP
<li> <font color="red"><blink>NVODS Datasets</blink></font> are all of the
or oceanographic data at a site that the data provider considers to be
connected. Could be an OPeNDAP Dataset, an OPeNDAP Data Collection or a
group of
OPeNDAP Datasets that are not formally linked from an OPeNDAP
<ul><font color="magenta">
<li> all satellite images in a given projection from a specific
sensor for which
neither an OPeNDAP File Server nor an OPeNDAP Aggregation
Server exist<br>
<li> a NetCDF file that contains all satellite images in a given
--- End Message ---