Re: Parsing and missparsing XML -- Slurp too

Benno Blumenthal wrote:
> Slurp also seems to be misparsing lines like this xml line from
> <catalogRef xlink:title="DASILVA"
> xlink:href=""/>
> xlink:href="";>
> The robot is hitting  urls like
> which I am presuming to mean that it does not understand the   '/>' notation
> to end the tag.

Seems to be a common problem. My email reader (NS 4.7x) doesn't correctly
determine the end of a URL that ends with '"/>' but does with '">'.


> --
> Dr. M. Benno Blumenthal          benno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> International Research Institute for climate prediction
> The Earth Institute at Columbia University
> Lamont Campus, Palisades NY 10964-8000   (845) 680-4450

Ethan R. Davis                       Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer                    Fax:       (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center          E-mail:    edavis@xxxxxxxx
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO  80307-3000    

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