Re: THREDDS status


At CDC we are using two components of the THREDDS server technology. First of all, I have installed an Aggregation Server. It serves our entire climate data collection (aggregated in time where appropriate). It can be reached at:

We are also working on a GDS version of the same thing. It currently serves a limited subset of our data, but we plan to expand it to serve all of the data sets in the archive. It can be reached at:

These services are in addition to our "traditional" OPeNDAP server for individual files at:

The second THREDDS thing we are doing is to publish a catalog. The catalog can be found at:

Right now, it catalogs the Aggregation Server URLs, but I hope to expand it in the future to catalog other services like FTP access and GDS access to these same data. We did not use the catalog generating tools from Unidata to build this catalog, but instead took advantage of our existing metadata database and wrote some Java code to make that catalog from that.

This email is the first time the URL to the Aggregation Server in it current form has been mentioned in public. I anxious to see how the server holds up if the THREDDS community starts to use it.

Roland Schweitzer
NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center
325 Broadway (R/CDC1)
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
 .... (303) 497-6249 .... (303) 497-7013 FAX .... rhs@xxxxxxxxxxxx ....

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