Re: Unable to name "middle-level" dataset elements

Hi Ethan,

When I do that (and the "dir namer" datasetNamer is at the same level as the 
"netCDF namer" datasetNamer) then the bottom-level dataset elements 
(corresponding to the data files, i.e., the netCDF files) either get
named using the "dir namer" datasetNamer (if it comes before the "netCDF 
namer") or they get named after the "netCDF namer" and the "dir namer" is 
ignored (if it comes after the "netCDF namer"). Either way, the
middle-level dataset elements (corresponding to the directories) retain their 
directory names.



Ethan Davis wrote:

> Try moving the "dir namer" datasetNamer element inside the datasetSource
> element. I think that will work. Let me know. If not, I have a few other ideas
> that I'm hoping aren't the case.

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