ECMWF Reanalysis-15

Thought this might be of interest to some of the folks in THREDDS community...

Parties who might be interested in ECMWF Reanalysis-15 data in netCDF

The NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC), has been permitted to distribute the portion of the ERA-15 data set that we had converted to netCDF format. This includes both pressure-level and surface data, all on a 2.5 degree grid. It is only available through our web-based plotting and subsetting pages, due to ECMWF's requirement of a positive checkoff on their terms prior to the data being made available. Thus, after a subset is selected, a temporary netCDF file is constructed in a directory that is periodically purged, and that file is available for anonymous FTP. The documenting web page, with links to the plotting/subsetting page, is at:

There are two FAQ answers ("Why do I get a blank page when I request a subset?" and "What goes into the plot (from the subset and plot web page) when I request many levels and many timesteps?") that are relevant to obtaining data from us in this manner:

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