I would encourage any and all of you who have experience with OpenDAP servers
and clients to at least send an email of support to NASA, since they are
considering OpenDAP as a community standard for sharing NASA data. Details
are in the email, below...
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 12:27:43 -0500
To: spg-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Richard Ullman <ese-rfc-004@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RFC: NASA Earth Science Data Systems Standards
X-Attachments: :Elm:186562:DAP2_review.doc:
NASA Data Systems Stakeholders:
Data systems standards are a central enabling component of NASA's
strategy for the Earth science data systems. The Earth Science Data
Systems Working Group for Standards is charged with directing the
adoption of data systems standards that will enhance interoperation of
Earth science data systems within the agency and with partnering
organizations. We do this through open review of standards submitted by
community stakeholders for endorsement by NASA. It is absolutely
essential that members of communities that may be impacted by proposed
standards provide input in this process.
We are seeking your review of DAP, a data access protocol used in
OPeNDAP and DODS data systems, proposed as a community standard endorsed
for use by NASA data systems. The Standards Process Group (SPG) has
that this proposal is relevant to Earth science data and there is
indication of community support especially in, but certainly not limited
to, ocean sciences. James Gallagher, Nathan Potter, Tom Sgouros, Steve
Hankin, and Glenn Flierl, from Peter Cornillon's DODS/OPeNDAP group,
have provided a "Request for Comments" documenting the DAP 2.0
specification (see link below).
The scope of the present review is experience with implementation. If
you have experience in implementing or installing a DAP server or
client we'd like to hear from you. If you have tried to implement or
install a DAP server or client but abandoned the effort for whatever
reason, we'd like to hear about that experience as well. We'd also like
to hear from those with experiences with similar systems about the
appropriateness of the proposed specification. The attached word
document provides guidance.
The DAP 2.0 Proposal (ESE-RFC-004) http://spg.gsfc.nasa.gov/rfc/004/
About the Standards Process:
overview: http://spg.gsfc.nasa.gov/About/
charter: http://spg.gsfc.nasa.gov/rfc/001/
process details: http://spg.gsfc.nasa.gov/rfc/002/
Comments should be sent before November 12th to
Thank you,
Richard Ullman
~ for the ESE-RFC-004 Technical Working Group (TWG)
--- end forwarded text
Richard E. Ullman
Goddard Space Flight Center
+1 301 614-5228
Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
Phone/VoiceMail: 608.262.2759