Re: Thredds out of memory

Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:

Hi guys,

I am looking at serving some very large files through thredds. I had found through trial-and-error that on one particular server, somewhere between 60Mb and 300Mb thredds stopped being able to start serving up files before the client timed out.

Unfortunately, this machine services a number of people so I had to do my testing elsewhere. I have a 579Mb NetCDF file on my desktop machine, and tried doing a local test with this, installing my file server and the thredds server on it. What I found was that the thredds server was running out of heap space. Now, I know I can alter the amount of heap space the JVM has available somehow, and that's what I'll try next, but I don't know whether that's a reliable solution. I don't really know how much memory thredds needs on top of the size of the file it's trying to serve, and of course multiple incoming requests might also affect this - I don't know how tomcat deals with that kind of thing in terms of creating new JVM instances etc.

Here is the error from catalina.out:

DODServlet ERROR (anyExceptionHandler): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
 dataset: ''
 suffix: 'dods'
 CE: ''
 compressOK: false
   maxAggDatasetsCached: '20'
   maxNetcdfFilesCached: '100'
   maxDODSDatasetsCached: '100'
   displayName: 'THREDDS/DODS Aggregation/NetCDF/Catalog Server'

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

So my question is: what's the best way to make a reliable server than can serve these large files?


Its the size of the data request that determines the memory needeed, not the file per se.

unfortunately, we currently have to bring the whole request into memory before sending it out. eventually we will modify both netcdf-java and netcdf-dods to allow data to be streamed. however i doubt we can get to it before the end of the year.

meanwhile your only recourse is to increase java heap space. you could also modify the code to test for data request size and reject anything thats too big.

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