Re: Supporting other data formats

At 12:16 PM +1000 4/15/05, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:
Hi guys,

The other angle is from the GIS world rather than the data sharing world. We'd love to publish some of our data sets in such a way that GIS packages can read them. To the best of my knowledge, no GIS package reads OpenDAP or even NetCDF. This means we've either got to do a conversion step from NetCDF into something that the GIS packages can read, and then serve it out using a different server - like a shapefile server for instance. So we would have to choose specific products to make available, provide shapefile derivatives from our hi-res NetCDF data, and tell people to go look there. It's not the worst plan I've ever heard, but has anyone here heard about any efforts to integrate OpenDAP more tightly with GIS software?


Hi Tennessee:

GDAL, which handles many GIS formats, is now OPeNDAP enabled. So any product that uses it, including Mapserver and Grass, are also OPeNDAP enabled.

As for the ESRI products (ArcInfo, ArcGIS etc.), we have almost completed an effort to use the Pydap library and Pythin, which is now the scripting language for ESRI, to read OpeNDAP served data directly into the ESRI product. When we have completed and tested the product, we will be releasing more information, ihopefully including a web page with both the sample scripts, instructions etc.


-Roy M.
"The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the Government or NOAA."
Roy Mendelssohn
Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory
1352 Lighthouse Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950 U.S.A.
(831)-648-9029  (voice)
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