Re: thredds information

On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Mark W Govett wrote:

> Hi Rob,
>   I remember long ago when you worked at FSL.   Are you a point of

Sure, i remember you from FSL. your office was on the same floor as
Barry Schwartz  if i remember correctly.

> contact for the thredds
> catalogs?  I investigating thredds and how I might be able to use it.

we have a web start demo at:

at this time there isn't much documentation, about demo but there is about
catalogs at:

i would suggest doing the web start, then click on the "thredds" tab and
enter catalog:

the dataset menus are all driven by catalogs. if you click on the catalog
url on the right pane it will expand to it's text view.

feel free to click any tab and view the data, etc. i would appreciate you
comments about it. the web start Tools is a test client for the product
Thredds Data Server that resides on motherlode that based on the Common
Data Model. the idea is to leave the data in it's naive format but be able
to server it through the Thredds Data Server.

hopefull that's enough info to get you started.


> Would you be able to
> answer some technical questions about thredds and/or give a demo?
> Thanks.
> Mark

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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