Re: OpenDAP Tools

On Sep 18, 2005, at 9:28 PM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:

I don't know if my graphing library supports that, but yeah that *would*
be slick!

I am writing a search function (found a simply python implementation of
the agrep algorithm), and I envision a CGI server enabling search,
displays of network topology, catalog generation from search results,
and other wondrous things.

Sounds very cool. Are you aware of the COLA effort GRETA (at least I think that that's what it is called)? They use it to catalog all of the data on their systems. They use the GrADS for all of their work and each file that is read by GrADS has a metadata file. GRETA looks for all of these metadata files and catalogs them based on the metadata that they contain. I wonder how hard it would be to do something like this for COARDS-compliant files identified by THEDDS?

The graph was more intended to be a demo of how awesome the XML markup
is, and how easily other applications can be developed and tested from
that basis.

Maybe you can add hotlink functionality yourself. I'll probably put it
all out there around the end of the week.

Probably not me, I'm an idea kind of guy, don't do much programming any more.



It would really be slick if the elements in the graph were hotlinks.
Is this what you intended?

 Peter Cornillon
   Graduate School of Oceanography     -  Telephone: (401) 874-6283
University of Rhode Island - Fax: (401) 874-6728 Narragansett, RI 02882 - E-mail: pcornillon@xxxxxxxxxxx

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