Re: wrestling with new server

To remove the need for SSL:

Go into webapps/thredds/WEB-INF/web.xml and change all instances of 

Password authentication will then be done without encryption, but as long as 
you have a secure network, this shouldnt be a problem.

You will have to do this whenever you reinstall or upgrade thredds.war.

Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:
Hi John,

Upgraded to the new version. Discovered the debug facilities won't work without SSL. *then* I discovered that I couldn't set up the certificate.

I get " Algorithm SunX509 not available"! I am concerned that for some reason the RSA algorithm isn't available on IBM's implementation of the JRE.

This box is for internal use only, and we don't require any security at this stage. Is it possible to turn it off?


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