Carl Wolfteich wrote:
Yes, there is an html display down to the granule level from the
catref. Thanks for spending the time on this, I appreciate it. One
question I have is that I notice the html display for DODS or OPeNDAP
access is the DODS access form link. I know in the version (2) I was
using before, the html displayed a link for the dds, das, html and info
for each data file with the relevant DODS serviceType. In the updated
version, has this kind of format just been done away with and changed
to just the single link to the access form? Or am I just leaving out
something in the xml now that prevents that information from being
displayed in the html? Previously, in version 2, it would have been
displayed here:
If its been changed now with this version, thats fine, I just wanted to
make sure I am not leaving out something in the xml file that would
otherwise display it.
Thanks, appreciate the help.
yes, it now just points to the .html DODS interface on the server. so you doing
everything as correctly as possible.
thanks for helping me debug!