Re: Grib from WCS via THREDDS?

Hi Ben,
Not many WCS clients our there (but there are some). For the data via TDS, and WCS see the NOMADS TDS at:


Ben Burford wrote the following on 12/8/2006 4:13 AM:
Hello All,

Basic question - does THREDDS support Grib files and a WCS interface (such t
hat I can put big Grib data files (NWP model output data) on a THREDDS serve
r and access the data from a WCS enabled client)?

If so, can you also tell me what free WCS clients are available that will ac
cess THREDDS as a WCS?

Thank you very much,

(Burford - the other Ben)

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Glenn K. Rutledge
Services Team Leader
Remote Sensing and Applications Division
NOMADS Project Manager
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Asheville NC 28801
Phone: (828) 271-4097
Fax: (828) 271-4328


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