Re: Anyone with successful aggregation?

Hi Bjorge:

Bjørge Solli wrote:
The problem is fixed. I needed the ID on the dataset and some more attributes on the catalog-tag.

you need an ID on the catalog so it can be selected from a browser.
what did you need on the catalog element?

I find it a bit frustrating that I don't find any complete explanation of the XML-attributes. Have I overlooked it or is there none available?

Sorry about the frustration, you are one of the first try this, so its a bit 

The full descriprtion of NcML is at:

The TDS uses the 1.0.1 catalog schema is here:

We are just finalizing it, probably we will announce it next week. We havent 
yet completed an annotated version for 1.0.1, but version 1.0 is here:

Let me know what is confusing and we will try to improve the docs.

Go ahead and post questions to the thredds group.

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