RE: Anyone with successful aggregation?

I am using THREDDS 3.6, and like Bjørge Solli, I have been trying out the 
example aggregation code.  When I initialize the catalog, I get no errors or 
warning in the catalog error file (with addition of dataType="Grid" to the 
dataset element).

I am then able to select the "WEST-CONUS_4km Aggregation" dataset.  However, 
when I select the Access: OPENDAP link, I get the error:

Error { code = 1; message = "No data root for 
dodsC/satellite/3.9/WEST-CONUS_4km"; };

In one of many attempted workarounds, I tried putting the ncml into its own 
file so I could access it through an <access> element.  However, it appears 
that the <access> element ignores the dataFomat="NcML" attribute and tries to 
open the ncml as a netcdf and throws an error.

If anyone has an example xml that uses netcdf aggregation elements please let 
me know... I really need this to work!

BTW, my xml is:

<catalog xmlns="";
         name="THREDDS-IDD OPeNDAP Data Server"
 <service name="ncdods" serviceType="OPENDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/" />
 <dataset name="WEST-CONUS_4km Aggregation" 
urlPath="satellite/3.9/WEST-CONUS_4km" dataType="Grid">
  <netcdf xmlns="";>
   <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinNew">
     <variableAgg name="IR" />
     <scan dateFormatMark="WEST-CONUS_4km_3.9_#yyyyMMdd_HHmm" 
location="/data/ldm/pub/native/satellite/3.9/WEST-CONUS_4km/" suffix=".gini" />

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