Re: NWP Forecast Data

Hi Ben:

What format is the data stored in? Can you makes samples available?

The answer is probably not at the moment, but we are currently working on 
several features that may help. What time frame do you need this?

Ben Burford wrote:
Hi John,

I have NWP model output data that has been collected from the model as time series at a single grid point (to make it easy to compare to in-situ time se
ries data).  So this is like time series station data.  This is from 10 majo
r international agencies for the CEOP project.

I have Forecast data where each day a 72 hour forecast is produced. I want to be able to select a 24 hour chunk out of each 72 hour forecast to produce a continous time series of forecast data (e.g. take the data from 12 to 36 hours out of each 72 hour forecast, and concatenate that to produce a contin
ous time series).

Can I do this with a THREDDS server?

Thanks very much,

Ben Burford

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