Re: TDS data sets via WCS

All the NCEP models on motherlode are now available through WCS. You can start 
at this catalog and look for WCS access:

this functionality will be moved over to 8080 probably later this month.

WCS docs are at:

The supported return formats are:


If you choose NetCDF3, you get back a netCDF file using CF-1.

LEAD is in the process of installing TDS so I dont think thats ready yet.

Ben Domenico wrote:

For several groups in the GALEON project and also the NASA project with GMU, I'd like to provide pointers to collections of datasets available via WCS on our TDS. As I understand it, these datasets can be requested in CF-netCDF even though they may be in other forms (GRIB, eg) on disk. Let me know if I'm wrong on that. If it makes sense, I'd like to include LEAD datasets in the list as long as the LEAD servers are reasonably reliable.

Thanks for any pointers you can provide.

-- Ben

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