Re: TDS Aggregation Catalog

Hi Dan:

There's enough differences with the old AS to mess with your mind, see below.

Daniel Holloway wrote:
Hi John,

Thanks for replying so quickly. I'm still having a little difficulty, would you take a look at the catalog.xml file that I'm attaching to this message and let me know what I've done wrong. It validates but the dataset appears empty when I use a browser to look at the tomcat server. I have this catalog loaded at http://

I think the problem is most likely in that I'm using the <netcdf> element type but really am trying to point to a DAP-served data source. Also, there may be a problem with how I'm defining the 'time' coordinate dimension, and how that's formatted in the 'Coord' attribute. I've basically tried to weave in our older aggregation server catalog usage into the examples I could find for the TDS, and took liberties whenever I couldn't find a similar case.




<catalog xmlns="";
         name="URI-THREDDS OPeNDAP Data Server" version="1.0.1">

  <service name="opendap" serviceType="OPeNDAP" 
base=""; />

The primary service needs to refer to the TDS, eg:

 <service name="opendap" serviceType="OPENDAP" 
base="http://server:port/thredds/dodsC/"; />

  <dataset name="Pathfinder AVHRR Northwest Atlantic Aggregation (1km Declouded)" 

     <netcdf xmlns="";>

        <dimension name="time" length="0"/>
        <variable name="time" type="int" shape="time" >
           <attribute name="units" value="seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00" />
           <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" value="Time" />

        <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinNew" dateFormat="yyyy/M/d:hh:mm:ss 

We dont currently support "dateFormat"

           <variableAgg name="T" />
           <netcdf location="1999/1/f99001082417.hdf" coord="/1999/01/01:08:24:17 
GMT" />

These need to have the full URL in the nested netcdf, we dont factor out the 
service anymore:

coord="/1999/01/01:08:24:17 GMT" />

The time coordinates should be in ISO format:


And change the time coordinate variable:

        <dimension name="time" length="0"/>
        <variable name="time" type="String" shape="time" >
           <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" value="Time" />

        <dimension name="time" length="0"/>
        <dimension name="dateLen" length="20"/>
        <variable name="time" type="char" shape="time dateLen" >
           <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" value="Time" />

If you need to stick to the udunits "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00", yuo'll have 
to generate the correct value yourself. If thats impossible, we'll have to see about 
adding dateFormat back in.

           <netcdf location="1999/1/f99001181038.hdf" coord="/1999/01/01:18:10:38 
GMT" />
           <netcdf location="1999/1/f99001195049.hdf" coord="/1999/01/01:19:50:49 
GMT" />
           <netcdf location="1999/1/f99002081244.hdf" coord="/1999/01/02:08:12:44 
GMT" />

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