Re: New Catalog File, a couple of questions

oh, i also told you a slightly wrong thing, you should use

<service name="opendap" serviceType="OPENDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/" />

instead of

<service name="opendap" serviceType="OPENDAP" 
base=""; />

this makes your catalog portable if you want to move it, and will work exactly 
the same.

Daniel Holloway wrote:

Attached is the catalog.xml reworked using your information. I have it installed at and I also copied into the dodsC directory under thredds but I always get a file not found error for the catalog.xml when I try to access that location (.i.e., /thredds/dodsC). I'll go back to your docs to see if I can find what I'm doing wrong. As for the catalog, I think it's correct though I did remove the 'urlPath' from the dataset since it's not part of the path for tomcat at all but part of a separate Apache webserver setup so I didn't think it was relevant.

Thanks for you help on this. Hankin has been after me to get this installed and setup.



<catalog xmlns="";
         name="URI-THREDDS OPeNDAP Data Server" version="1.0.1">

  <service name="opendap" serviceType="OPENDAP" 
base=""; />

  <dataset name="Pathfinder AVHRR Northwest Atlantic Aggregation (6km Declouded)" 

     <netcdf xmlns="";>

        <dimension name="time" length="0"/>
        <variable name="time" type="String" shape="time" >
           <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" value="Time" />

        <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinNew">
           <variableAgg name="T" />
 coord="1999-01-01T08:24:17Z" />
 coord="1999-01-01T18:10:38Z" />
 coord="1999-01-01T19:50:49Z" />
 coord="1999-01-02T08:12:44Z" />

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