Re: Fwd: [GSN] Updated TIE matrix

Yes, Ethan is right, its a bug in the TDS when the number of vert coords < 3. 
Ill have it fixed in the next release.

Ethan Davis wrote:
Hi Dan, Rudolf,

I'm not sure why there are no coverages for these datasets. I don't think it has to do with the variable metadata (it seems to have everything it might need) and the lat/lon information seems fine. I'm going to guess it is because these variables have a vertical dimension, even though with just one point.

Here's the same dataset on our server via WCS:

and via OPeNDAP (this is the data description info):

It looks like only those variables that don't have vertical dimensions are being shown in WCS.

John is out till Wednesday but I'll take a look at the code to double check this (probably not till tomorrow).

Dan, if it makes sense, you might want to try creating one of these without the vertical dimension to see if that works.


dan.swank wrote:

I have not dealt with this before.
I need some guidance here.  Can you please provide an example of what
one of these should look like in order for your application to utilize it?

Ethan:  where would I begin to add this infomation?  in the catalog.xml
or in the NetCDF file metadata?  A Pointer to any docs would also help.

As another note, I've created a global dataset as mentioned in the
telecon this morning @:


Rudolf Husar wrote the following on 4/27/2006 4:30 PM:
Hi Ethan,
FYI, the WCS getCapbilities doc looks good but it is empty. It has no
coverages listed. <> R

On 4/26/06, *Ethan Davis* <edavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:edavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi Dan,

    Both the OPeNDAP and WCS URLs are working for me now.

    I looked at the OPeNDAP URL
    in the netCDF-java ToolsUI and could visualize the data just fine.

    Don't have a WCS client but tried the WCS URL
( <>)
    in a browser and got back a valid looking WCS_Capabilities document.


    dan.swank wrote:
    > Ethan:
    > I've corrected this.
    > OpENDAP now works, WCS gives:
    > <ServiceExceptionReport version='1.2.0'>
    >   <ServiceException code='MissingParameterValue'>
    >     REQUEST parameter missing
    >   </ServiceException>
    > </ServiceExceptionReport>
    > This is a bit concerning & I'm not sure what to do about it.
    > What "Missing parameter Value" is it looking for?
    > -Dan
    > Ethan Davis wrote the following on 4/26/2006 5:52 PM:
    >> Hi Dan,
>> Not sure if you got my last email (or if I actually sent it for that
    >> matter, oops) ...
    >> I'm still having trouble getting
    <> (and <>)
    >> through your TDS. Here's what I get from a WCS request:
    >> <>
    >> <ServiceExceptionReport version='1.2.0'>
    >>  <ServiceException code='Invalid Dataset'>
    >> /raid/ftp/raid1b/ <>
    (No such file or directory)
    >>  </ServiceException>
    >> </ServiceExceptionReport>
    >> And something similar for an OPeNDAP request:
    >> /raid/ftp/raid1b/geo-
    <> (No such file or directory)
    >> Looks like I steered you wrong in the value of the location
    attribute in
    >> the datasetScan element. It should end with a slash ("/"). So,
    >> "/raid/ftp/raid1b/geo-ide/" instead of
    "/raid/ftp/raid1b/geo-ide". Sorry
>> about that, I thought our TDS code would deal with it either way but
    >> evidently not.
    >> Ethan
    >> dan.swank wrote:
    >>> Rudolf Husar wrote the following on 4/26/2006 2:33 PM:
    >>>> Hi Dan,
    >>>> OK, moving along nicely, step-by step.
    >>>>    - The average monthly wind data on your server, <>
    >>>> <> is fine
    >>>>    - We have now connected the wind vector rendering to your
    >>>> than to the netCDF file on our server.
    >>> This is great stuff!
    >>>>    - This is really good news since we are (half way?) to WCS
    access to
    >>>> the archived model data..
    >>>>    - There are a few minor issues re full compliance with
    >>>> will pass on the list in a bit
    >>> Awaiting these suggestions.
    >>>> Dan, any chance to run off the same wind aggregation for the
    >>>> globe and make another netCDF? For the Beijing demo, they are
    looking at
    >>>> fine resolution wind data for the wind farm siting demo. The
    global wind
    >>>> data from the 1 deg NCEP could be used for the 'Prospecting'
    part of
>>>> their demo: where in the world are good spots for wind farms. This
    >>>> expansion of the domain would also provide a link between the
    >>>> China demo and the regional-global orientation of GSN (George,
    what do
    >>>> you think?)
>>>> Jinsoo, is this correct? Could you use the global wind data for the
    >>>> Prospecting part of the demo?
    >>> I've attempted to run this with the NCEP-DOE reanalysis 2
    (Global ~2°
    >>> data for 25 years), but noticed this was on a guassian
    grid.  You guys
    >>> mentioned WCS needs consistant lat/lon grids.  So I guess this
    option is
    >>> out.  If so I can fall back on the GFS.
    >>> -Dan
    >>>> Regards, Rudy
    >>>> On 4/25/06, *dan.swank* <Dan.Swank@xxxxxxxx
    <mailto:Dan.Swank@xxxxxxxx> <mailto: Dan.Swank@xxxxxxxx
    >>>> wrote:
    >>>>     All ,
    >>>>     Heres the status on our front.
    >>>>     I've already parsed the original ASCII file I released
    >>>> into a
    >>>>     valid NetCDF
    >>>>     <
>>>> I'm in the process now of getting them on TDS/w WCS service.
    >>>> Something
    >>>>     I'm not experienced with, but doesn't not seem particularly
    >>>> difficult.
>>>> Thursday seem slike a realistic deadline to have this, but feel
    >>>> free to
    >>>>     work in parallel just in case.
    >>>>     -Dan

Ethan R. Davis Telephone: (303) 497-8155 Software Engineer Fax: (303) 497-8690 UCAR Unidata Program Center E-mail: edavis@xxxxxxxx <mailto:edavis@xxxxxxxx>
    P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Director
CAPITA, Washington University
St. Louis, MO 63130
1 Brookings Drive, Box 1124
314 935 6099

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