[THREDDS #YRK-366827]: THREDDS - Thredds install issue

Hi Greg:

Im guessing that its something to do with the logging package, nlog4j. I see 
that you are using Tomcat 5.5. We have only tested on 5.0, although I dont have 
any reason to think it wont work. You could try using a 5.0 Tomcat and see if 
you get the problem still. Or, you could try using the version of the nlog4j 
library that is specific to jdk 1.5.

When you delete the thredds folder and reinstall thredds.war, you may need to 
restart tomcat.

what version of java are you using?

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YRK-366827
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

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