Re: Thredds init error

Hi Bruce,

I suspect that with your upgrade to TDS 3.10 that you will still get the error messages you listed but that the TDS should work as desired. As I mentioned, the TDS keeps track of a datasetScan/datasetRoot for each unique path. If it finds a duplicate, it writes the error message (it will be a warning in our next release) and continues. Doesn't look like the duplication should cause any trouble.

From your content/thredds/catalog.xml

   <datasetScan dirLocation="/Volumes/gulf1/Shelves/"
                path="Shelves" name="Shelves" serviceName="other">

From your content/thredds/dodsC/Modeled_Data/Fulldisk8km/Profiles/Oct05/2003_0624_1800/catalog.xml

   <service name="group" base="" serviceType="Compound" >
       <service name="dods" base="/thredds/dodsC/" serviceType="OpenDAP" />
<service name="http" base="/thredds/fileServer/" serviceType="HTTPServer" />
       <datasetRoot path="Shelves" dirLocation="/Volumes/gulf1/Shelves/"/>
<dataset name="" ID="" >
<access urlPath="Shelves/aa05/7bd8/aa057bd8-2104-44ee-bef7-51859bac9627/" serviceName="group" />

One thing you could do to get rid of this duplication ... If all the access urlPaths in each catalog are the same except for the final dataset name, you could put the whole thing in your datasetRoot path. So, in the above example you could instead have:

   <service name="group" base="" serviceType="Compound" >
       <service name="dods" base="/thredds/dodsC/" serviceType="OpenDAP" />
<service name="http" base="/thredds/fileServer/" serviceType="HTTPServer" /> <datasetRoot path="Shelves/aa05/7bd8/aa057bd8-2104-44ee-bef7-51859bac9627" dirLocation="/Volumes/gulf1/Shelves/aa05/7bd8/aa057bd8-2104-44ee-bef7-51859bac9627/"/>
<dataset name="" ID="" >
<access urlPath="Shelves/aa05/7bd8/aa057bd8-2104-44ee-bef7-51859bac9627/" serviceName="group" />

But I think the only advantage would be cleaning up your log files.

Hope this makes sense.


Ethan R. Davis                                Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer                             Fax:       (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center                   E-mail:    edavis@xxxxxxxx
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO  80307-3000             

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