Hi Ben, all,
This conversation got split between dods-tech and thredds. Sorry for the
duplicate cross-posting but I'm going to try to merge this back into one
conversation. So, a post from Jose and one from Roy follow.
Also, we might be better able to advise if we knew more about the format
and structure of the data you want to serve. An "ncdump -h" if netCDF
files. Or a pointer to an example file.
Jose Garcia wrote:
Assuming your data is in netCDF format, I am happy to say that we have
a very similar requirement for a project called the Earth System Grid.
For this, we have developed an aggregation module that plugs into the
OPeNDAP server. This module requires OPeNDAP server version 4, which
is I understand is not the latest release of OPeNDAP,
but nevertheless can be used now.
If you wish to take the steps to build the system on your institution,
we will be glad to support the process.
Please let us know,
Jose Garcia
Boulder, CO
Roy Mendelssohn wrote:
> Hi Ben:
> THREDDS allows you to aggregate along any dimension, including a
"new" one. In your case, you would aggregate across time, and then do
the normal OPeNDAP call for the one location, treating it as if it were
one series.
> You can see a lot of examples of this at:
> http://oceanwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov:8081/thredds/catalog.html
> All of the Items under the heading "Aggregation Satellite Datasets"
are aggregated in just this fashion . You can pick one and go to the
html interface and see that you can select to get a time series at a
point. In fact, you can get a time series for a region.
> HTH,
> -Roy M.
>> I'm wondering if THREDDS (or perhaps simply a DODS or other type of
>> can help me with the following data aggregation problem.
>> I have daily data files containing an 84 hour forecast. From these
daily fi
>> les I want to extract a 24 hour section out of the 84 hour forecast
and conc
>> atenate those 24 hour sections to form a continuous time series.
There may
>> be multiple sections of interest (e.g. 6 to 30, 36 to 50, 60 to
84). This i
>> s "station" time series data at a point. It is actually the time
series at
>> a grid point extracted from daily NWP data files.
>> Can THREDDS do this? Or is there another type of server you know of
that wi
>> ll handle this problem?
>> Thank you,
>> Ben
Ethan R. Davis Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer Fax: (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center E-mail: edavis@xxxxxxxx
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000 http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
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