[THREDDS #WTK-608182]: THREDDS 3.12

Hi Roy,

> Is THREDDS 3.12 in stable enough condition that we can point other
> people to it, or at least send them the file?

Yes, I think it is stable enough to pass around. We have made a few bug fixes 
and put version 3.12.01 on our FTP site, 
ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/thredds/3.12/. We haven't officially announced 
yet but I think that may have been because John didn't want to announce just 
before he was out for a few days.
> They are aggregating a large number of files, and our experience is
> that this version makes a significant difference in the speed of
> access.

Glad to hear it helped with the access times.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WTK-608182
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

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