Re: catalog schema question: variable element

Hi Darren,

Quite right, you certainly can have multiple <variables> elements.

My mistake, I was misreading the schema.

Sorry about that.


Darren Hardy wrote:
Yes, I'm trying to write validate catalog.xml files that will work with THREDDS tools, but will also be a data source for a digital library system that we're using.

I'm looking at the 1.0 schema but I don't see that restriction:

To test, I grabbed a working catalog:

Then, I added a second variables section, like so:

<catalog xmlns="";


      <variables vocabulary="DIF">
<variable name="Reflectivity" vocabulary_name="EARTH SCIENCE &gt; Spectral/Engineering &gt; Radar &gt; Radar Reflectivity" units="db" /> <variable name="Velocity" vocabulary_name="EARTH SCIENCE &gt; Spectral/Engineering &gt; Radar &gt; Doppler Velocity" units="m/s" /> <variable name="SpectrumWidth" vocabulary_name="EARTH SCIENCE &gt; Spectral/Engineering &gt; Radar &gt; Doppler Spectrum Width" units="m/s" />

      <variables vocabulary="human-readable">
<variable name="foobar" vocabulary_name="blah blah blah" units="db" />


and it passed a Xerces validation of it.


Darren Hardy
Ph.D. Student
Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
University of California, Santa Barbara

On Aug 9, 2006, at 12:23 PM, Ethan Davis wrote:

Hi Darren,

Darren Hardy wrote:
Ok, so I could use two <variables> elements to provide all these descriptions, like so:

<variables vocabulary="CF-1.0">
<variable name="SST" vocabulary_name="sea_surface_temperature" units="degC"/>
   <!-- Foobar omitted because it does not have a CF standard_name -->

<variables vocabulary="human-readable">
<variable name="SST" vocabulary_name="OI Cloud-free SST, blah blah blah" units="degC"/> <variable name="Foobar" vocabulary_name="My foobar variable" units="m" />

It looks like the catalog schema provides for multiple variables elements, so this would work for me.
Currently, the schema only allows one <variables> element per dataset. The schema defines it like this

     <xsd:element ref="variables"/>

and the default for the minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes is one. So, I don't think a catalog with a <dataset> element that had two child <variables> elements would validate.

How are you planning on your catalog being used? Are you trying to feed this information into another system?


--Ethan R. Davis Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer                             Fax:       (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center                   E-mail:    edavis@xxxxxxxx
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Software Engineer                             Fax:       (303) 497-8690
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