[THREDDS #CGS-227475]: Is there something wrong with WCS or some change in WCS in new version?

Cant tell whats screwing up on that call. There may be a stack trace in 
{tomcat}/logs/catalina.out. If there is, send it to me.

I may need to recreate the problem by getting the ncml and a few sample files. 
If thats easy, send it to me.

Meanwhile, I will give you a new version that adds more error logging.

As for the remote management, you pretty much need to do the whole thing on 
that page, enabling SSL etc. There are a few options on setting up the 
certificate, you can use the self-signed one, its the easiest. This assumes you 
are allowed to open up the SSL port (default 8443). You can just open it 
temporaily when we need to debug. Its a lot of trouble but in the long run its 
worth it.

Thanks Jerome!

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CGS-227475
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

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