Jennifer Adams wrote:
Dear All,
I'm really glad to see the TDS has a forecast aggregation prototype up
and running! I have poked at the server on motherlode a little bit.
Unfortunately, my version of dncdump dies when attempting to get the
"DODS" attribute from the "Lambert Conformal" variable -- so I can't
get a complete dump of the metadata from these data sets, but the
.html output from the server fills in the gaps nicely.
I dont know why dncdump dies, perhaps you should report as a bug?
As a client, GrADS can display some of the data from the server -- not
the data sets with the 2D time axis, but the others are doable in
theory. The data are served on their native Lambert projection, so a
simple 'sdfopen' command will never work with this data. GrADS has to
use a descriptor file with PDEF entry to interpolate to a regular
lat/lon grid. This interpolation is done in the GrADS I/O layer one
grid point at a time, which means that it is incredibly slow -- so
slow that it becomes unusable as an interactive tool. If I skip the
PDEF option and read the grid into an abstract 93x65 grid, then it
works reasonably fast, but then I have to forego a map overlay.
It's a little early to say for sure, but I don't think the 2D time
axis data sets will be readable by GrADS, even when the 5th ensemble
dimension is completely implemented. This variable looks like it would
*u_wind: Array of 32 bit Reals [run = 0..14][time = 0..10][isobaric =
0..18][y = 0..64][x = 0..92] *
the coordinate variable called "run" would fit as the 5th ensemble
dimension and the coordinate variable "time" would fit as a normal
linear time axis. However, the coordinate variable "time" is
*time: Array of 32 bit Integers [run = 0..14][time = 0..10]*
I don't know how to deal with that -- my knowledge of the netcdf API
is limited to 1D coordinate axes. Is this a feature available with
NetCDF 5?
The development branch of netcdf-java (2.2.17) has some new routines to
deal with these more complicated grids, but i assume you need the C
library? If so, thats a long way off.
You can also look at the various 1D time subsets, of which the "best
time series" might be the most interesting for general use, eg:
or the dods URL:
To continue testing, it would help A LOT if the data were not on a
Lambert projection. John, can you serve up a similar data sample on a
regular lat/lon grid?
I wont be back in the office until monday, but then i will put up a
dataset that uses lat/lon, eg one of the GFS global models.
Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705 USA
On Aug 16, 2006, at 10:36 AM, dan.swank wrote:
1) This seems to be an issue of incompatible clients.
GrADS is expected to be spoon feed the projection information
in a particular fashion it understands ~
and it obviously is not smart enough to read the
char Lambert_Conformal; information provided by the TDS
and figure it out. Not much can be done here until someone
updates the GrADS client.
2) By Grid-relative coordinates, I mean the x/y points as they appear
in the GRIB files. x=1 2 3 ... nx, y=1 2 3 ... ny.
This, along with map projection (char Lambert_Conformal;)
information needed to project the grid into lat/lon coordinates
is what GrADS is expecting. I am not sure if putting
<variable> override tags in the TDS configuration can allieviate
I've cc'ed Jennifer Adams, perhaps she can clarify/correct my
understanding of the GrADS client...
3) In our NCEP GRIB archive ~ it seems, GRIB was never
designed to follow the convention of having a consistant reference
time and adjusting the forecast time to create the valid date.
Rather, the valid date of the record = the reference time for
analysis + any forecast hour. This is the cause of our
aggregation issues.
We have just gotten non-aggregated NARR fiels on our TDS today
in our Test area :
John Caron wrote the following on 8/15/2006 4:42 PM:
Hi Dan:
dan.swank wrote:
I've tinkered with the new GRIB aggregation, made a few
I noticed some funky x/y coords in the data dump :
Y begins at -832.6982610175619 (?) and X @
Noitced in the definition that the units are Kilometers...
(from what reference lat/lon ?)
These are projection coordinates, in "km on the projecction
plane". The
projection is defined by
char Lambert_Conformal;
:grid_mapping_name = "lambert_conformal_conic";
:standard_parallel = 25.0; // double
:longitude_of_central_meridian = -95.0;
:latitude_of_projection_origin = 25.0;
following the CF-1 conventions. This is the projection
contained in the
GRIB file.
The particular client I used to access this (GrADS) cannot
decern this
x/y spatial cooredinate. It is expecting them as lambert
grid relative
x[1:x] etc.
Not sure weither this is something that can be configured
with the aggregation, but it certainly would be nice to
have the option
to use grid relative x/y coords.
sorry, I dont know what "grid relative x/y coords" are?
Other than this, I see the TDS handles the varying Z
across variables quite well. Does it still require the
files to be homogenous? Or will it scan each one for the
forecast hour = <specified> header tag ~ and use that?
Yes thats the intention, to not need index homogeneity, but to
use the
times in the GRIB files and make it all work nicely. The GRIB
require another level of XML configuration, to make it all
work. We are
hoping to work closely with all to get this figured out, and
ill explain
in more detail then.
Glenn.Rutledge wrote the following on 8/15/2006 8:50 AM:
You have the lead with Steven to implement this new
aggregation service
on your platform of choice. This is one of the Web
Services I spoke of-
and please make this #1 priority. See msg below. Glenn
Subject: Forecast Model Run Collection Aggregation
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 18:02:05 -0600
From: John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
To: techies@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Steve Hankin
An experimental new TDS service "Forecast Model Run
Aggregation" is available for poking at on the
motherlode development
(or .xml)
This aggregates a collection of Forecast Model Runs
(in this case the
IDD NAM CONUS 80km runs), making it available as one
dataset with a
2D time coordinate.
Then it creates various other logical datasets:
1) data from one run (what we already are used to)
2) data with the same forecast offset hour (eg all the
3 hour
forecasts, from different runs)
3) data with a constant forecast date (eg all the data
2006-08-08T12:00:00Z, from different runs)
4) the "best" time series, taking the data from the
most recent run
This is not production-ready, so dont clobber it, but
any testing and
comments welcome.
Glenn K. Rutledge
Services Team Leader
Remote Sensing and Applications Division
NOMADS Project Manager
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Asheville NC 28801
Phone: (828) 271-4097
Fax: (828) 271-4328
Dan Swank <dan.swank@xxxxxxxx>
NOMADS Project: Software & Data Management
Contractor - STG, Incorporated
Veach-Baley Federal Building
151 Patton Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
Phone: 828-271-4007