Re: thredds.catalog API

Hi Darren:

Yes, we have noted the same problem. We originally envisioned catalogs only be 
written as XML, but it turns out there's various use cases for object creation. 
The Impl classes are in fact intended for this purpose.

Ill add thredds.datatype to the public javadocs, thanks.

Darren Hardy wrote:
Hi John,

We met at the discovery workshop at your office in Boulder back in May. I'm working on some software (DAPADL project) that will generate THREDDS catalog content.

I've downloaded the NetCDF library, but I have some comments about its public API. index.html

So, I'm wondering what process you use for enhancement requests and/ or code contributions. I'm finding that the API doesn't support the generation of catalogs as well as the reading of catalogs. The factory, for example, doesn't provide methods to create new InvCatalog/InvService/InvDataset objects, so I have to explicitly use their Impl classes. The thredds.datatype package is also not in the API javadoc, but it's required for the catalog element's expires attribute.

Darren Hardy
Ph.D. Student
Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
University of California, Santa Barbara

Darren Hardy
Ph.D. Student
Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
University of California, Santa Barbara

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