XML Coordinates list

If I use the NcML tab in JAVA NetCDF (2.2) Tools and turn Coordinates ON, I
can get an XML dump describing the 80km CONUS NAM, (as described below).  

Is there a command line equivalent of this?
How should I include this information for use in an enhanced catalog?

Stephen Sinnis
Pelmorex Media Inc
T. 905.829.1159 x1379
F. 905.829.5800


  <variable name="x" shape="x" type="double">
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="km" />
    <attribute name="long_name" type="String" value="synthesized X coord" />
    <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" type="String" value="GeoX" />
    <values start="-4226.106971141345" increment="81.27099999999973"
npts="93" />
  <variable name="y" shape="y" type="double">
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="km" />
    <attribute name="long_name" type="String" value="synthesized Y coord" />
    <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" type="String" value="GeoY" />
    <values start="-832.6983183345455" increment="81.27099999999996"
npts="65" />
  <variable name="Projection" type="char">
    <attribute name="Projection_Name" type="String"
value="lambert_conformal_conic" />
    <attribute name="latitude_of_projection_origin" type="double"
value="25.0" />
    <attribute name="longitude_of_central_meridian" type="double"
value="-95.0" />
    <attribute name="standard_parallel" type="double" value="25.0" />
    <attribute name="_CoordinateTransformType" type="String"
value="Projection" />
    <attribute name="_CoordinateAxes" type="String" value="x y" />
    <values />

I have installed:

Linux 2.6.17-1.2157_FC5
TOMCAT 5.17 

I am feeding NOAAPORT HDS|NGRID data to GEMPAK 5.9.1 gribtonc:

# ETA grid on Lambert conformal CONUS grid
HDS     ^Y.Q... KWB. (..)(..).*/m(ETA|NAM)
        PIPE    decoders/gribtonc -l logs/gribtonc_nam.log

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