announce experimental TDS feature: "Forecast Model Run Collection"

An experimental new TDS feature "Forecast Model Run Collection" is available 
for poking at on the motherlode development server: (or xml)

This uses a new kind of NcML aggregation, that takes a collection of Forecast 
Model Runs, and makes it available as one dataset with a 2D time coordinate. In 
the case of the motherlode server, these are collections of GRIB files, and the 
dataset deals correctly (I hope) with missing data records, by using the 
forecast and run dates, rather than using the array indices as in previous NcML 

The TDS has a new feature, where it creates various other "synthetic" datasets 
from the collection:

1) data from one run (what we already are used to)
2) data with the same forecast offset hour (eg all the 3 hour forecasts, from 
different runs)
3) data with a constant forecast date (eg all the data for 
2006-08-08T12:00:00Z, from different runs)
4) the "best" time series, taking the data from the most recent run available

We are still in the process of finalizing the metadata.  Any testing and 
comments are welcome.

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