[THREDDS #ETD-820941]: aggregation and datasetscan

Hi V:

First, you have some extra ";" in your XML, if they are really there that will 
break the parsing. Run it through a validator like XMLSpy or Oxygen. I use 
IntelliJ which is also adequate.

Second, remove the line
 <dimension name="time" length="0"/>
since that will reset the time dimension to 0. The aggregation element is 
processed first and creates the dimension, so its not needed. (It used to be, 
and theres probably some old docs that tell you to do just that - if so and you 
can tell me where, i will fix).

When I am testing NcML, I write the NcML as a separate file (not in a thredds 
catalog), and try to open it with ToolsUI. Once its working I put it in the TDS.

Hope that helps...


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ETD-820941
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

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