Re: nexrad netcdf on motherlode

Rich.Baldwin wrote:

I meant to thank you again for the workshop over the weekend. I came away with a great deal of useful information.

thanks, it was good to meet you.

I thought that we had
played w/ a nexrad data file in netcdf when we were discussing the radial data type. I don't see any nexrad netcdf data on motherlode only the raw data files. Is there a sample that I could at least inspect and test w/ ArcGIS?

there are a bunch of raw nexrad files on motherlode under this catalog:

these can be read directly by ToolsUI, and the latest version of IDV.

there are no netcdf version of these, although you can use ToolsUI to write 
one, however im sure ArcGIS cant read them. Arc GIS can only read gridded data

We do have some gridded radar composite datasets under

not sure if those are interesting.

Tx, Rich

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