We have less than a month before the OGC Technical Committee meetings
begin here at UCAR the week of September 17. And Unidata is hosting a
special Interoperability Day on Wednesday Sept 19. The
Interoperability Day will be open to all who are interested in
discussions related to making atmospheric and related datasets
available to the broader community via standards-based web services.
You do not have to be a member of the OGC to attend the
Interoperability Day.
I've put together a tentative agenda in terms of a list of topics we
plan to cover
This document also includes a set of background documents that may be
of interest to participants.
We'd like to get a sense of how many people will be attending so we
can decide whether the Unidata conference room will be large enough.
The advantage of having it there is that we can broadcast the meetings
via our videoconferencing facilities. So please LET ME KNOW WHETHER
YOU PLAN TO ATTEND the Interoperability Day -- in person or via
videoconference. Also let me know if you have something you'd like
to contribute in one of the topic areas on the agenda or if you have
other topics that should be added.
Those of you traveling to the meetings, please note that no rooms have
been blocked off at local hotels so you might want to get a hotel
reservation if you haven't already. The Boulder Marriott Residence
Inn is the nearest hotel to the meetings.
I'll continue to update the agenda as we learn more about who will be attending.
-- Ben