Hi Jerry,
The OPeNDAP Access Form page is handled by the Java OPeNDAP library so
the layout and such is somewhat out of THREDDS control. The broken links
and inconsistency with Hyrax may be caused by our lagging on the version
we use. I'll leave that for John to answer since he is more in touch
with our use of the Java OPeNDAP library.
As for the layout, CSS, and such of the catalog pages, it is on my list
to clean some of that up and I've gotten good suggestions from a number
of people. Here's what I remember from the list: 1) stop hardcoding CSS
in pages, instead include link to CSS doc that installers can
modify/replace; 2) same for images, icons, and such; 3) add some div
tags to allow easier use in CSS; 4) add hook for javascript.
This isn't at the top of my list yet. But I know it isn't a big job so I
will try to bump it up to the top of the list soon. I'd like to get
items 1-3 above into the 4.0 release but we'll have to see as we have a
number of big items for 4.0.
Pan, Jerry Yun wrote:
I don't know if anyone has noticed, on the OPeNDAP Access Form
page, the links to help documents are all broken (click on Action,
DataURL, Global Attributes, Variables, I would get a 404 error). I am
using the current TDS release (v. 3.16). I checked the same links on
the form page from a Hyrax server, they work and the urls are slightly
different from what TDS has. Looks like the opendap.org has changed
some files' location and TDS has not updated its links.
The bigger question I have is how we can easily customize the GUI
interface for TDS. For example, how can I repair the broken links
without modifying Java code? how do I alter the look and feel of the
access form - such as expand and shrink the variable list? The same
questions also applies to the Catalog pages, such as custom images,
color, CSS, layout, etc. My assumption is that not every end user
will use a client side tool to access TDS/OPeNDAP, and some will use
the web GUI exclusively, so the data providers may want to change the
GUI to better meet their needs.
A suggestion: use JSPs to render all GUI components. With that, the
GUI can be changed easily, and a bad link like above can be fixed
without waiting for the next release. Another benefit of using JSP is
it would make the app internationalization ready and easy to localize.
Jerry Pan
DAAC Staff
Oak Ridge National Lab
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