I have a set of netcdf files that are being accessed via OpenDAP and are
regularly overwritten. Most of the files, 29 sets of 31, update correctly
but in 2 file sets the "Global Attributes" don't update to the new
information although the "data" does. "ncdump -h" shows the correct
information, :history = "MOST v2.080 11-05-2007 16:09:22" ;
:title = "Aleutian-Cascadia: Mwt 8.4, 21.00*b65" ;
in the headers but when I look at it in a browser,
I see the old file attributes,
history: "MOST v2.080 11-05-2007 11:49:33"
title: "Aleutian-Cascadia: Mwt 8.5, 29.00*b25".
If I restart tomcat then the correct information shows up.
I'm new at thredds so I may very well be doing something stupid but I
could find no information. Below is the change I made to
$tomcat_home/content/thredds/catalog.xml. Any suggestion?
Thank you, Jean
<service name="ncdods" serviceType="OpenDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/" />
<datasetScan name="MOST tsunami model data" ID="mostDatasetScan"
path="sims" location="/home/tg15/data/sims" serviceName="ncdods">
<metadata inherited="true">
<include wildcard="*.nc"/>
<lexigraphicByName increasing="true" />
Jean Newman Tel: 206-526-6531
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research
NOAA/PMEL/OERD2 - UW/JISAO FAX: 206-526-6485
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg. 3 jean.c.newman@xxxxxxxx
Seattle, WA 98115-6349 jcn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
_________________________. URL: http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/