[thredds] trying to serve multiple netcdf files

Hi all,

I am relatively new to thredds.
I try to serve data which is segmented in many .nc files. Each .nc file 
represents one month. 
the starttime is e.g. January 1. 2000 0:00 there are about 10000 timesteps 
every 5 hours over all the files, the timesteps are integers. Now I try to 
rearrange them into date unit.
this is what I've tried so far:

                <dataset name="ACETO2" ID="eval19/ACETO2" 
                                <dimension name="time" length="10220"/>
                                <variable name="time" type="int" shape="time">
                                        <attribute name="units" value="Hours 
since 2000-01-00 00:00"/>
                                        <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" 
value="Time" />
                                        <values start="0" increment="5" 
npts="10220" />
                                <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
                                        <variableAgg name="T"/>
location="/data/projects/MESSy1.1/eval19/ACETO2/" suffix=".nc" />

but i still get integers as timesteps... 
we used to use descriptor files for this data for internal use (e.g. ferret). 
they look like that:
     D_TYPE        = '  MC',
     D_FORMAT      = '  1A',
      D_EXPNUM      = '0001',
      D_TITLE       = 'eval19',
      D_T0TIME      = '01-Jan-1998 00:00:00',
      D_TIME_UNIT   = 3600,
      D_MESSAGE     = ' ',
      D_ALERT_ON_OPEN      = F,
      D_ALERT_ON_OUTPUT    = F,
= '/data/projects/MESSy1.1/eval19/ACETO2/ACETO2_200001.nc',
       S_START       = 17520,
       S_END  = 18260,
       S_DELTA       = 5,
       S_NUM_OF_FILES       = 1,
       S_REGVARFLAG  = ' ',
= '/data/projects/MESSy1.1/eval19/ACETO2/ACETO2_200002.nc',
       S_START       = 18265,
       S_END  = 18955,
       S_DELTA       = 5,
       S_NUM_OF_FILES       = 1,
       S_REGVARFLAG  = ' ',
what can I do to serve this data via thredds in a "readable" format?
thank you in advance
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Department of Atmospheric Chemistry
Joh.-Joachim-Becher-Weg 27, D-55128 Mainz 
P.O. Box 3060, 55020 Mainz, Germany
Phone: (+49 6131) 305 - 449
Fax: (+49) (0)6131 305 - 436

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