Re: [thredds] thredds v3.16 and symbolic links to catalogues

Hi John,

Our "main" catalogue is placed under content/thredds, in that file I have placed a number of links (catalogref) to catalogues which lie in content/thredds/catalogs - we did it this way to keep things "tidy" and it has worked well in version 3.14.

Some of the catalogues under content/thredds/catalogs are symbolic links, and it is for those I get the error messages I mentioned when I switch to version 3.16. Just to test I tried to copy one of the linked files into content/thredds/catalogs and then works with 3.16 - so 3.16 seems to be picky about symbolic links

The solution is obvious, avoid links and copy everything into content/thredds/catalogs, but for various reason we would like to keep the current setup if possible. If you would like to have a closer look on our setup, go to:

Hope this made it  a bit clearer :-)

Best Regards,

John Caron wrote:
Hi Knut:

Currently you need to keep TDS config catalogs under content/thredds.

I assume these are "config catalogs", not just other catalogs you want to 
reference from a catref?

By "symbolic link" do you mean you tried to link another directory under 
content/thredds ?? If so,
im surprissed it wont follow a symbolic link correclty....

Knut Arild Lisæter wrote:

I tried to update to thredds version 3.16 today, but it seems that symbolic links to catalogues are not allowed in this version? In logs/ catalogErrors.log I get many errors of this type

initCatalog(): Path <catalogs/mersea-ip-class2-arctic.xml> points outside of content path </home/apache-tomcat-5.5.25/content/thredds/> (skip).

Is there a quick and easy way to allow symbolic links pointing outside of the "content path" ?

Best Regards,
Knut Lisæter
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