Re: [thredds] CONUS 12KM data question

Hi Robert:

The NAM conus 12km on motherlode has indeed been having problems recently. Its 
still not exactly right (some new fields and levels are being sent) but we 
should have it sorted out by tommorrow. If you see any further problems after 
that, please let us know.

BTW, Ive added you to the thredds mailing list.


Robert Wardwell wrote:
I have been querying wind data from your site at in order to model tephra and ashfall deposits which would accumulate in the event of a volcanic eruption at Mount St. Helens. Over the past few weeks I've had trouble accessing data for the NCEP-NAM-CONUS_12km Forecast Model Runs, and have been receiving errors in the browser window. For example, I am trying make the following request today. <> I generally make this request at 3pm PST using an automated Python script, and it works great. The last few weeks, however, I have only been able to acess the data sporadically. Some days it works and some days I receive the error messages. I also noticed that the problem seems limited to the CONUS_12KM model. All of the other models I've tried seem to work fine. I am not sure if there is a problem with my request or a problem with data availability. Any thoughts you have on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Rob Wardwell
USGS - Cascades Volcano Observatory
1300 Se Cardinal Ct. Bldg. 10, Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98683


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