[thredds] datasetFmrc question

When I create a forecastModelRunCollection type aggregation, and put it in a 
datasetFmrc TDS element, I get the collections of dataset views as suggested in 
the TDS documentation, such as:

- Forecast Model Run Collection (2D time coordinates)
- Best Time Series
- [folder] Forecast Model Run/
- [folder] Constant Forecast Offset/
- [folder] Constant Forecast Date/

All the views appear as one would expect.  However, the only dataset view with 
a OPENDAP server behind it is the "Forecast Model Run Collection (2D time 
coordinates)".  Is this what I should expect, or should the other views also 
provide OPENDAP servers?

Thanks, Mike

Michael A. Godin
Software Engineer
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Phone: 831-775-2063  http://www.mbari.org

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