[thredds] "Information Request on Thredds - Netcdf Subset Service"


on the UNIDATA website we found some information about a THREDDS prototype including "Netcdf Subset Service" (which is not included in Thredds v3.16).

Even if it is still a prototype, is there the opportunity to download it?

We found very interesting the features included in this subset service and we would like to carry out some tests in the context of the Euro- Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC), Italy.

Please could you provide a feedback about our request?

Best Regards,
Giovanni Aloisio

Prof. Giovanni Aloisio

Scientific Computing & Operations (SCO) Division, Head

CMCC-Euromediterranean Centre for Climate Change (https://www.cmcc.it)

c/o Technological District, University of Salento (Lecce)

Via per Arnesano, 73100 Lecce, Italy

email: giovanni.aloisio@xxxxxxxx

web: https://www.cmcc.it/web/public/Aloisio

office/mobile: (+39) 0832.29.7221-8137 / +39 348 9007336/+39 334 6501704

fax: (+39) 0832.298173


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