Re: [thredds] TDS Catalog Validation Service

Hi Nathan,

3) That is right.

There's more detail on datasetScan and such at


Nathan Potter wrote:
> I have a third question:
> 3 ---------------
> When looking at a thredds:datasetScan can one determine the catalog  
> access URL based on this:
>      thredds:service/@base + thredds:datasetScan/@path + "/catalog.xml"
> Example: On localhost:8080 we find this catalog:
>      <service name="tds" serviceType="OPeNDAP" base="/ncDODS/"/>
>      <datasetScan location="/head/data" path="data" name="Test Data  
> Archive" serviceName="tds">
>          <crawlableDatasetImpl  
> className="opendap.bes.BESCrawlableDataset" />
>          <filter>
>              <exclude wildcard=".*" atomic="true" collection="true"/>
>              <include wildcard="*"/>
>          </filter>
>          <addDatasetSize />
>      </datasetScan>
> So the catalog access URL would be:
>      http://localhost:8080/ncDODS/data/catalog.xml
> ???
> N
> On Dec 30, 2008, at 10:42 AM, Nathan Potter wrote:
>> John,
>> Point me at the crawler code, I'll look and see how it works with  
>> thredds:catalogRef elements.
>> I guess I really have two questions:
>> 1 ------------------
>> I am looking at the xlink:href attribute of the thredds:catalogRef  
>> elements.
>> Would it be far to say that this example:
>>    <catalogRef xlink:href="CEOP/catalog.xml" xlink:title="CEOP"  
>> name="CEOP/"/>
>> References a file relative to the parent catalogs position in the  
>> catalog structure?
>> Example 1:
>> So if the catalog containing this thredds:catalogRef was accessed  
>> using this URL:
>>    http://localhost:8080/thredds/data/catalog.xml
>> Then the above catalogRef should lead you here:
>>    http://localhost:8080/thredds/data/CEOP/catalog.xml
>> Example 2:
>> And on the same server, this example:
>>    <catalogRef xlink:href="/toplevel/path/catalog.xml"  
>> xlink:title="catalog" name="catalog"/>
>> Would lead here:
>>    http://localhost:8080/toplevel/path/catalog.xml
>> No matter which catalog this thredds:cataogRef appeared.
>> Example 3:
>> And this example:
>>    <catalogRef 
>> xlink:href=" 
>> " xlink:title="Motherlode" name="Motherlode"/>
>> Would lead here:
>> No matter which catalog this thredds:cataogRef appeared.
>> Is that the way you see it working?
>> 2 ------------------
>> Is there a place that describes how data access URL's are too be  
>> built from thredds:dataset elements ?
>> My understanding is that it's like this:
>>  thredds:service/@base + thredds:dataset/@urlPath
>> Is that a correct interpretation of the catalog semantics? So if  
>> we're on localhost:8080,  and the service/@base is "/opendap/" then  
>> this catalog snippet:
>> <service name="hyrax" serviceType="OPeNDAP" base="/opendap/"/>
>> <dataset name="Datset with a compound service and multiply inherited  
>> services." ID="bears" urlPath="">
>>   <serviceName>hyrax</serviceName>
>> </dataset>
>> Would produce this base data access URL:   
>> http://localhost:8080/opendap/ 
>>  and additional service related stuff would get added to that.
>> Is that right?
>> Thanks,
>> Nathan
>> On Dec 30, 2008, at 9:16 AM, John Caron wrote:
>>> Hi Nathan:
>>> We dont have ready-made code that validates catalogs and follows  
>>> the catalog refs. However, we do have some generic catalog crawler  
>>> code, where you get callbacks to your own code to do whatever you  
>>> want. let me know if thats helpful...
>>> Nathan Potter wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> I have a question about validating the semantics of a THREDDS  
>>>> catalog. The attached catalog contains a number of  
>>>> thredds:catalogRef elements. The urlPath attribute for these  
>>>> should be able to be used to resolve the individual catalogs. Is  
>>>> there a validation for that similar to  using the built in Catalog  
>>>> Validation service that come rolled in the TDS?
>>>> I tested the attached catalog against the service at  
>>>>  And it passed, but I don't imagine it attempted to check down the  
>>>> catalog hierarchy.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Nathan
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> = = =
>>>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>>>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        541.752.1852
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> = = =
>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        541.752.1852
> = = =
> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        541.752.1852
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Ethan R. Davis                                Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer                             Fax:       (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center                   E-mail:    edavis@xxxxxxxx
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