Re: [thredds] Question for

  • To: John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] Question for
  • From: Nathan Potter <ndp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 09:15:43 -0800


I encountered this problem last week as I was testing some THREDDS related code.

It looks like a poorly written top level catalog, or a missing filesystem tree (a failed disk mount?)

This URL:

Returns the HTML presentation view of the THREDDS catalog usually provided by the TDS.

This URL:

returns the THREDDS catalog:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalog xmlns=" " xmlns:xlink=""; name="APDRC THREDDS Data Server" version="1.0.1"> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/whoi_oaflux.xml" xlink:title="whoi oaflux" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/ftds.xml" xlink:title="LAS FTDS" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/jpl_ghrsst.xml" xlink:title="JPL GHRSST" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/gfdlnew.xml" xlink:title="GFDL Model Products" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/ncep_all.xml" xlink:title="NCEP Reanalysis Data" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/gfdl_ipcc.xml" xlink:title="GFDL IPCC" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/jpl_ecco.xml" xlink:title="JPL ECCO Products" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/erbs.xml" xlink:title="NASA Langley ERBS" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/woce_dvd.xml" xlink:title="WOCE Satellite Data" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/goes.xml" xlink:title="GOES Precipitation Index" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/ncep_all.xml" xlink:title="NCEP Reanalysis Data" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/insitu.xml" xlink:title="In Situ Datasets" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/slc.xml" xlink:title="Sea Level Data" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/godae_product.xml" xlink:title="GODAE Product" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/woa94.xml" xlink:title="NODC (Levitus) World Ocean Atlas 1994" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/woa98.xml" xlink:title="NODC (Levitus) World Ocean Atlas 1998" name="" /> <catalogRef xlink:href="idd/levitus.xml" xlink:title="Levitus Climatology" name="" />

None of the xlinks in the catalog point to valid documents.

Consider thi list of URLs: catalog.xml

All return an error page from the the OPeNDAP code in THREDDS. Clearly the server is running, but the catalogRef elements do not point to other THREDDS catalogs, nor do they reference any valid data holdings in the server.


On Feb 23, 2009, at 8:53 AM, John Caron wrote:

Im wondering if the owner of the TDS is on this list and could help Angel figure out the correct dataset URL?
Angel, you might want to subscribe to the thredds list at

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: New Ticket - [THREDDS !AOI-234251]: Serious problem with thredds server
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 09:01:33 -0700
From: Ángel G. Muñoz <support-thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxx .edu>
Reply-To: support-thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

New Ticket: Serious problem with thredds server

Hello. My name is Ángel G. Muñoz and I work for the Scientific Modeling
Centre of La Universidad del Zulia. We have been working with the ROMS
model for a while without problems until several weeks ago, when we
discovered some problems with the script for automated run. Now we can
see that the issue is related with the migration of the original
opendap/dods site to a new thredds server.

We need for ROMS the Kalman Filter data of ECCO-JPL. The matlab script
points to:

url = '' ;

I have seen that you have something similar here:

But I just can't find the correct prompt or any information about it. We need this prompt so the script can download all the boundary conditions
for a forecast run. ROMS (Roms_tools) is doing this in matlab:

Making output data directory ../Run/DATA/Forecast/
mkdir: cannot create directory `../Run/DATA/Forecast/': File exists
Process the dataset:
Testing date: 14-Feb-2009
Character '=' (61) is not allowed.Character '=' (61) is not allowed.
File does not exist
Testing date: 04-Feb-2009
Character '=' (61) is not allowed.Character '=' (61) is not allowed.
File does not exist
Testing date: 25-Jan-2009
Character '=' (61) is not allowed.Character '=' (61) is not allowed.
File does not exist
Testing date: 15-Jan-2009
Character '=' (61) is not allowed.Character '=' (61) is not allowed.
File does not exist
Testing date: 05-Jan-2009
Character '=' (61) is not allowed.Character '=' (61) is not allowed.
File does not exist
Testing date: 26-Dec-2008
Character '=' (61) is not allowed.Character '=' (61) is not allowed.
File does not exist
Testing date: 16-Dec-2008
Character '=' (61) is not allowed.Character '=' (61) is not allowed.
File does not exist
Testing date: 06-Dec-2008
 File found
??? Reference to non-existent field 'time'.

Error in ==> ../Forecast_tools/download_ECCO_frcst.m at 132

Error in ==> ../Forecast_tools/make_OGCM_frcst.m at 101
eval (['OGCM_name=download_',OGCM,'_frcst(lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax,',...

Can you help me please? We really need this url for continuing our work.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: AOI-234251
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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Nathan Potter                        ndp at
OPeNDAP, Inc.                        541.752.1852

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