I should mention that, while browsing both catalogs under the same
Tomcat, things appear okay; unique datasets show under each TDS. So it
seems that changing "ContextPath" is sufficient. If someone who's done
it before could chime in to validate, that would set me more at ease.
Either way, I'll let you know if I encounter problems.
Velimir Mlaker1 wrote:
Is it possible to install two TDSs under one Tomcat?
I copied the ${tomcat}/webapps/thredds.war to
${tomcat}/webapps/thredds.2.wa2 . Tomcat exploded the copy just fine.
I then changed the ContextPath parameter in WEB-INF/web.xml as so:
This had the effect of creating ${tomcat}/content/thredds.2 directory,
right alongside the original thredds directory.
Will this safely keep the two servers disjoint? I am guessing the
recommended procedure would be to configure the name "thredds.2" when
building from source. However, source appears unavailable.
Our system is:
Tomcat 6.0.18 in jsvc (port 80) mode.
uname -a
Linux pcmdi3.llnl.gov 2.6.18-92.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 29 13:16:12 EDT
2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
(Enterprise Linux 5)
Best regards,
Velimir Mlaker
Velimir Mlaker
Computer Scientist, PCMDI
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Phone: (925) 422-0330
Email: mlaker1@xxxxxxxx